Kevin Walker wrote:
> [snipped}
> >Aaron Green
> > ~~Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people.
> >Those who understand realise that you have no right to let them live!~~
> >
> >Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >Content-Description: Card for Aaron Green
> >Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"
> >
> >Attachment converted: Eagle Has Landed:vcard.vcf 3 (TEXT/BOBO) (0000697B)
> I hope this subject isn't too far off topic for the list, but has anyone
> else been receiving strange attachments accompanying with Aaron Green's
> messages?
> Or maybe it's something with Eudora 3.1?
He is using Netscape 4.0 and has the "Always attach Address Card" check
box turned on. If you were also using Netscape 4.0 you would get an
option to add him to your address book with each and every message.
It's one of those features that some one in marketing thought would be a
good idea, that sucks in real life.
Edit -> Preferences -> Mail&Group -> Identity. Last box on the page.
Turn it off. It really is a pain.
Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed. P. Opus
Geek code: GAT d-- s:-- a C+++ UL++ P+ L++ !E- W+++ N++ o K++ w+++ !o
!M-- !V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t++ 5+ X R+++ tv+ b++++ DI++++ D G++ e+
r+++ y+++(**)
Received on Fri Oct 03 1997 - 07:05:25 UTC