RE: [Epic] Dark Angels

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 15:36:32 -0500

>In case any body here can't tell, we are not playing WH40K of any
>version. The figures are just a little different in size, which should
>be a clue.
>For those of you that think that the fluff has some weight on rules,
>Eldar Harlequins can use Land Raiders. source: RT era fluff on the
>Land Raider, I'll get chapter and verse if some really wants to know.
>Of course if you do allow this, all space marines MUST target that Land
>Raider, regardless of the tactical situation.

-----> I'm trying to respect the sanctity of your rant, but with
multiple posts on this same thing (not all from you) it's beginning to
get a little tiresome to read this same stuff over and over. In case
anyone is wondering, WH40K (2nd ed) IS the source for E40K and
speculations etc are a VALID way to spend bandwidth on this list (cf.
Squats, eldar aspects and other things people think are missing). The
E40K _rules_ may not cover 5 termies per raider, but many people on this
list play both games, and if you play Marines in WH40K and always see 5
termies per LR, then coming to Epic and finding 10 is a bit of a
surprise. That's why several places mention "you can change the rules
amongst your friends" etc. Epic does not stand alone, it's built upon
the WH40K game & background, and even the OLD Epic game, so many people
come in with a set of expectations based on these. Borderline flames
from other list members are not neccessary. Pointing out that it ain't
the rule in E40K is fine, but multiple posts on 40K holdover rules is an
        As an aside, RT fluff was and is mostly cooler than the new stuff, but
the rules, backgrounds and races have changed a great deal in 40K 2nd ed
from RT concerning details, and while 2nd ed is what the current epic
was based on, E40K doesn't fit well with the RT stuff (like all the IG
changes) so while we can come up with ways to "make it fit", saying the
new stuff is "wrong" is , well, wrong, cause it fits the current version
of 40K. And for those of you still part of the "RT is Better" cult, let
me remind you (having played both versions since they came out) the
vehicle rules now ain't perfect, but the old ones were absolutely
horrible (BOTH older ones), you had to buy TWO $20+ books to get the
complete army lists for Chaos and for Orks, and marines were Toughness 3
with a 4+ armor save .

Just a few thoughts

-I'm outta town for 5 days, leaving the dusty plains of Texas (well,
D/FW ain't THAT dusty) for the damper and breezier locale of San
Francisco (Yeah, it's job-related so I get all of one day to sightsee)
but I'm not unsubscrbing from the list, so Y'all keep it down to a
reasonable number of messages a day, or my IS guys are going to be
waiting for me when I get back...

Chris Miller
Received on Fri Oct 10 1997 - 20:36:32 UTC

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