[Epic] Space Marines vs. Eldar 2000 Points [2/?]

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 21:59:59 -0500

The battle map consisted of a roughly 4'x6' table which was covered with
hills and ridges. We chose not to use buildings or other terrain in
this instance, though we did throw in a crater for good measure.

The ridgeline was separated into two ridges and ran down the diagonal of
the map. A rough sketch follows:

|R H |
| H H|
|H R |
| H H|

R = Ridgeline
H = Hill

The hills were mostly multi-level with fairly gentle slopes. No actual
effect on the battle apart from line of sight. The ridgelines were
impassable to vehicles/war engines and had very steep cliffs. They were
considered dangerous terrain for infantry and provided cover to infantry
that were hiding on them.

We played the diagonals, so the Space Marines deployed in the bottom
left corner and the Eldar in the top right. We alternated deploying

The Space Marine deployment followed Codex tactical doctrine. The
center was held by the two strongest detachments: Telemakus
(Terminators, Land Raiders, Dreadnoughts) and Thunder (Predators,
Vindicators). They had an alley between hills and ridges through which
they could advance to the center of the battlefield.

The Space Marine right was held by Force Caius (Tacticals, Whirlwinds)
with Huron (Scouts) deployed in advance towards the right ridgeline.

The Space Marine left was covered by the large Force Barcas (Bikes,
Attack Bikes, Land Speeders).

The Chapter Master of the Shadow Skulls and his Terminator bodyguard
were deployed along with their land raiders between the center and left
flank forces.

The Eldar deployed largely behind the hills in their area. The Farseer
Ardhiel and bodyguard (all on Vypers) deployed in the center. Near
them was the Warlock Titan Shiaraval and the warriors of the Avenger and
Reaper shrines (along with Falcons and Support Platforms).

The Eldar left was held by the Host of Thorns (Guardians, Falcons) and
the warriors of the Hawk and Spider shrines.

The Eldar right was led by the Host of the Wind (Jetbikes, Vypers) and
the two Revenant Titans Tominath and Rhaevel.

Based on a pre-conceived story, the Eldar were interested in destroying
two structures held by the Space Marines. These were represented by two
Bunker objectives located on either side of the Space Marine deployment
zone. One on the left hill, one on the far edge of the right hill.

The armies each had a cleanse objective to protect and the Space Marines
had two Take & Hold objectives. The last objective for each army was a

More later...


- Erik
Received on Fri Oct 31 1997 - 02:59:59 UTC

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