RE: [Epic] Toronto

From: Cyril Crocker <dslayer_at_...>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 13:03:02 -0500

It was a store in Richmand Hill call Shooting Star. I've gone there quite =
often to play M:tG Friday and Saturday nights. Last time I went, I pick up=
 a blister of Bowelburnas and a blister of Gobsmashas there. They had lots=
 more, so I wasn't really to worried and then the other day when I went, I =
found out someone had purchased ALL of it at once! I was quite dissappoint=
Cyril Crocker
Dragon Slayer

-----Original Mes=
From: Sauron Moridor [SMTP:sauron1_at_...]
Sent: Saturday, =
November 01, 1997 10:25 AM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: Re: [Epic] T=

Sauron1 writes; Cyril;

             I hear there is a store in To=
ronto Crossed Swords that may
have some. Also one of the Hobby stores in Lo=
ndon Ontario, Northern
Performance, I think had some. You should plan to at=
tend MIGS Con in August
next Year. We can have a game. I play Epic2. Where =
did you try to get the
metal Epic ? =

Received on Sat Nov 01 1997 - 18:03:02 UTC

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