[Epic] Flavor text

From: Jason Robinson <ewing_at_...>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 14:46:07 +0200 (EET)

        Someone disliked the kind of flavor text that was written in
Adeptus Titanicus. Well, the photocopies I took from our librarys old
WD's have excellent flavor text in my opinion. I'll post a few examples:

        "The Titan was dying. Captain Kilmer watched as it staggered
towards his bunker. The war machine blundered into a tree, slipped as its
Princeps stepped in a shell-hole and then froze. The Titan's relays
strained as it tried to pull itself upright. Coolant streamed down its
legs from shattered valves. The Titan's weapon linkages sparked where bare
wires flopped against its carapace. Steam came from the machine's neck:
the crew were preparing to eject.
        'Soon', Kilmer whispered to himself. He steadied the missile
launcher and waited. He counted to three and pulled the trigger. The heat
of the missile's backblast made him blink. The head came free and, in an
instant, exploded. The missile had done its work.
        Kilmer grinned and turned on his commnet. 'Claiming kills. One
Titan crew. No prisoners.'"

        "Actuators wheezing, the Gloria Mundi finally reached the valley
floor. Ferrera, the Titan's Princeps, hadn't realised that he had been
holding his breath, and he let it out slowly, enjoying his relief.
        The machine was beginning to show its age, and the pounding it had
taken had not helped. The cooling harness creaked as it tried to keep
Gloria's damaged systems from boiling over. Every once a while, the ready
lights on the last remaining weapons flickered. Ferrera knew that
somewhere the wiring to the las-cannons was damaged.
        'Nearly home', Ferrera said. His crew said nothing. With the
shields down, they knew better than to waste time on pleasantries.
        Ferrera moved Gloria forwards, stepping over a small stream. Then
he saw the armoured figures in the tree line, a line of a dozen robots,
watching his every move. They stood directly in his path, astride the only
available route towards the Order's base.
        The Titan stepped forward again, and the Robot's advanced,
matching Ferrera's move. As one, they raised their guns, sighting on
Gloria's head, where Ferrera sat. He stopped the Titan and took one step
backwards. The Robot's lowered their weapons.
        'Kylos, melt them down.'
        'Unable, Princeps', Kylos, the las-cannon's Moderatus, sounded
weary. 'I've just lost fire control.'
        'Emperor's Teeth!' Ferrera pushed Gloria forwards, and the Robots
took fresh aim. He pulled back and, or so it seemed to him, the Robots
relaxed again. Forwards, back. Forwards, back. Stalemate.
        The hum of power from Gloria's reactor deepened and became
rougher. Ferrera looked down at his controls.
        'I think we have a problem.'"

        - Jason
Received on Fri Feb 07 1997 - 12:46:07 UTC

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