Re: [Epic] My first attempt at an Epic army.

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 11:42:20 -0500

> This detachment is a huge ungainly hodge-podge with no clear
> purpose. The Assault marines should ideally be getting stuck in CC,
> the Devs should be going on overwatch, the Land Speeders should be
> zipping about with other fast stuff...

I have to agree in general. I make my detachments with a pretty narrow
set of roles in mind. If I make a detachment this big, it's mostly
defensive with tacs/devastators and whirlwinds/vindicators/support

> Personally, I would never mix jump-pack assault troops with
> tac or heavy troops - the assault guys are just going to get slowed
> down. Similarly, mixing speeders or bikes in with static troops like
> devs is also a bad idea unless you have some specific reason for it.

Speeders and bikes can actually work well in tactical and assault
detachments as flanking units to channel the enemy. You can even get
lucky and force him to lose units in the retreat. It adds a nice
ability in the firefight and assault phases to non-assault detachments.

> Shouldn't a command LR cost 35 + 25 = 60 points?

It's Captain (25) + Land Raider (35) + HQ (25) = 85 Points.
Add in the special Chaplain (10), Techmarine (10) and Apothecary (10)
rules that we use from the posts on the list and you're talking 105
points for a Marine company HQ.


- Erik
Received on Thu Nov 06 1997 - 16:42:20 UTC

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