Re: [Epic] Stormblades

From: Woofer <ss52dlh_at_...>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 16:34:55 +1000

Mark Shieh spake thusly,

> Maybe a one-shot Megacannon could be used to replace the
> missiles? 4 one-shots seem quite capable of causing suppression.


Why not have it as a Shadowsword with two less FP for secondary
weapons, a one-shot Megacannon for the HK's, a one-shot Deathray for
the Helion at around 135pts ? Works for me, tho' the points value
will need to be tweaked.

Having recently bought the box of three for $10AUS (and kicking
myself for not buying the other two boxes at the same price), I'm
most pleased to have them but just can't come at running them as
Shadowswords. I have a similar problem with the Stormhammers but
can't come up with suitable stats to reflect their true role

Received on Sat Nov 08 1997 - 06:34:55 UTC

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