Re: [Epic] cheese

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 10:28:36 -0600

At 12:55 PM 2/7/97 +1100, you wrote:

>this role (heck 1/3 of hitting (literally) the side of a barn followed by a
> of actually dropping a standard building that it 1/36 it means you
>can shoot at buildings all day with the rockets and expect to see them
>standing at the end.....).

Actually, it's a 1/6 chance of taking abuilding down if it hits. there are
36 possible roll combinations (6sides x 6 sides = 36) and 6 winning
combinations (1,1; 1,2; 1,3; 2,1; 2,2; and 3,1). 6/36 = 1/6.

Of course, it's still 1/6 x 1/3 to hit = 1/18 . . .

Received on Fri Feb 07 1997 - 16:28:36 UTC

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