Re: [Epic] free memory nonesense [off topic]

From: Sauron Moridor <sauron1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 09:45:33 -0500

Sauron1 writes;Colen; I apologize:

    The comment on tactics referring to spammers was a syntax error on my
part,as I have gotten out of the habit ,somehow, of adding those "smile's"
to phrases as you still do, to indicate when I am kidding, foe example
    ; }

    It is possible to give commands to major routes on the net to ignore
messages routed through them,carrying a certain computers "handshake code,
in effect prohibiting a computer from accessing the Internet. Such commands
are usually used to send copies of Internet traffic to a "listening" station
operated by "big Brother", but cease and desist commands can be used. Thease
are probably not technically legal due to your excellent "Freedom of
Information" laws in the US but are standard practice elsewhere in the

    For example the French government actively records and scans all
Internet traffic. There is a rumor that the Canadian government does the
same ;-} sauron1 ( Actually my Federal Government job title,think
about it! )
Received on Thu Nov 27 1997 - 14:45:33 UTC

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