>Are you seriously trying to tell us that you can download >virtually
>anything from the net!. Doubt it. Somehow I think that this >could be a
Not really.
Universities are notorious for their ability make pirated software to spread
like wildfire. :)
/usr/scratch is usually the directory where people leech off other peoples
files, that usually always are pirated games and such.
And yes, i *BUY* games if i deem them worth it. :)
Like Total Annihilation, i just hope final Liberation won't suck.
(i have suspicion it will tho, but that's my negative side talking here, bad
expreinces with SSI, and so far other Warhammer games that have been made
have sucked like hell, so for reason i'm being sceptical)
Received on Tue Nov 25 1997 - 21:24:00 UTC