What do you chaps think of the following detachment?
Command: Ork Stompa Warlord, 64 points
Main Force:
3 Shooty Boyz, 51 points
3 Shooty Boyz, 51 points
3 Shooty Boyz, 51 points
3 Battlewagons, 42 points
3 Battlewagons, 42 points
3 Battlewagons, 42 points
Total Cost: 343 points
Total Firepower at 45cm Range: 31
A detachment that can march or assault for the first turn, go on normal
orders in the next and then settle down on Overwatch with it's 31
firepower. For every 9 firepower you wish to add, add 93 points.
Alternatively, make it a Kult of Speed, buy the Battlewagons in 2's, and
get some Flakwagons and Speedstas too. The warlord won't be a Stompa,
but never mind, you get Death Rays instead.
Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance), Editor of the Chaos Wastes
Occasionally, a NetCampaign Newspaper, and an R'n'F Member.
You can find me at: | "At any time, at
http://www.bryanmac.demon.co.uk/colen | any place, our snipers
colen_at_... | can drop you. Have a
Join NASA! nasa_at_... | nice day."-- NASA Motto
Received on Fri Nov 28 1997 - 19:48:34 UTC