Sv: [Epic] Flak Units in 'Bloody hell, we're useless!' Shock!

From: Jon Nielsen <jon_at_...>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 15:46:41 +0100

Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister wrote:
> Ok, I might be wrong here, but conside the following situation:
> An Orky detachment with six Flakwagons is sitting on ! orders. Two
> Thunderhawks bomb it, zooming into range of all the wagons (how
> careless!). One gets shot down by the maelstrom of fire, the other gets
> damaged. 'Thhhhhhrpppp' says the Ork player... until three Marauders
> drop from the skies, kicking the s**t out of his detachment. The
> Flakwagons have already fired, so they cannot do so again, is this true?

No, they can't shoot again. Remember that you already know the Marauders
are comming, since flyer missions are declared at the start of each turn.
What could be done is to have the Flakwagons in two smaller det. Thereby
can choose no to shoot with some of your Wagons untill the Marauders

The problem here, I think, is that you can see the results of the attack of
one unit
of fliers, before you commit the next unit. Is'nt this kinda unfair towards
other units?
Received on Tue Dec 02 1997 - 14:46:41 UTC

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