Re: [Epic] Chaos Stuff.

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 23:38:48 -0700

Mark A Shieh wrote:
> Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...> writes:
> > This still doesn't help with the Minotaurs and Trolls.
> >
> > Any thoughts ????
> Well, in SM/TL, you could treat Minotaurs/Trolls as if they were
> Beastmen with a meaner CAF and a higher cost. I believe someone
> suggested fielding them under the Beastman Champion heading.
> (However, that's not a main force unit, is it? No books at work. :(
> But going by the SM/TL stat line, I'd say use them as Beastman
> Champions, or declare them to be identical to Bloodletters, even
> though the Minotaurs shouldn't have save, and the trolls should be
> stupid.
> If you're going to make up stats, I'd say treat the Minotaurs
> as Bloodletters with no save and a 10cm move. Trolls would be
> Bloodletters with a 10cm move and some form of stupidity. One take on
> stupidity might to classify them as Rampagers, but that's stretching
> it more than a tad. They should be fieldable wherever Beastmen can
> go, in about the same numbers. Unfortunately, I only know the SM/TL
> stats by heart, so I don't know what has happened to the beastman
> detachment options.
> Mark

I'm playing trolls as plague bearers, which they carry off pretty well
if you paint them likely rotting carcasses. I dont know about minotaurs,
but They would make pretty convincing bloodletters in my book. Also, a
hell of a lot cheaper than paying $10 for 1 stand of each chaos troop
type (you know they'll do it!)
Received on Fri Dec 05 1997 - 06:38:48 UTC

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