Re: [Epic] WD 217 free gift

From: Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 12:30:17 +0000

Sauron Moridor <sauron1_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly:
>Sauron1 writes; OK:
> So I phoned the Canadian version of the GW mail order trolls. They
>actually admitted the Canadian insert is an Undead Robot, very similar to
>the Chaos android from Space Crusade and a few robotic crabs. But they did
>not know if they were plastic or metal !

They'll be plastic, IMAO.

Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance), R'n'F Member, Lord of, a mailing list for all evil players.
         You can find me at:          | "At any time, at | any place, our snipers
      colen_at_...      | can drop you. Have a
Join NASA! nasa_at_...  | nice day."-- NASA Motto
Received on Fri Dec 05 1997 - 12:30:17 UTC

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