[Epic] OFF <rant> Was Final Liberation and 586 chips

From: J. Michael Looney <mlooney_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 07:07:13 -0600

Warning. This may get personal and weird. Don't say you were not


This mailing list if for EPIC, you know, the GW game with 6 mm mini's.
All three versions of it, (Space Marine, Epic Space Marine, Epic
40,000). It's NOT about DirectX and the various version of 586 class
chips. This kiss of death of a non computer war game is to start
talking about a computer game, much less computer systems, OS, chips
sets and other bits of cyber what-nots. I do that sort of thing for a
living, so it's not a case of not being able to keep up (and BTW some
of you need to check your facts before you run off at the keyboard, the
error rate in the current "talk" on the FL thread about the various 586
chips is pushing over 75%) There are dozen of mailing list and usenet
'froups that support computer games. Can we PLEASE leave them there?

I subscribe to several other gaming mailing list, in all cases there is
at least one computer game that "fits" the mailing list, in some cases
quite accurately. In all cases the moderators of the mailing list have
declared that talking about the computer version was NOT covered in the
list charter (go ahead, bring up a SSI game on the "Forgotten Realms"
mailing list. I dare you.... [wear flame proof undies if you do]).

Final Liberation may or may not be the coolest game ever written,
however it is still a computer game. It's not a version of Epic. Hell,
based on the information posted about it, it supports even less of the
GW "Universe" than Epic 40K does. Given the ranting and raving that
E40K got for daring to cut down on the number of say, Ork tank types and
for not letting Chaos use all the imperial stuff (in addition to their
own stuff) and for dropping 2 armies in toto, you would think that NO
ONE on this list would even THINK of playing such a limited game as FL,
as all it lets you do is Imperials and Orks.

And yeah, I know many of you will not see this for a couple of days.
I'll wait until 1998 with my flame proof jammies for your reply.

Reply via e-mail, not to the list, please.

Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed.  P. Opus
Geek code: GAT d-- s:-- a C+++ UL++ P+ L++ !E- W+++ N++ o K++ w+++ !o
!M-- !V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t++ 5+ X R+++ tv+ b++++ DI++++ D G++ e+
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Received on Wed Dec 24 1997 - 13:07:13 UTC

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