RE: [Epic] IG and Planetary Assault Landings

From: Kelley, Kevin J., JCS <kevin.kelley_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 07:39:00 -0500

It took 6 months. About the same for the British 1st AD as well. When
a force deploys a surprising amount of "stuff" is what we call
sustainment - bullets, gas etc . ALso as a rule of thumb for every ton
of combat deployed you deploy 2 tons of combat service support - MP,
Medical, Maint, Transport, Signal, NBC, Intel... etc - this is CSS at
the Corps army and theater level, exclusive of the divisions own support
units. Havin said that - EPIC completely ignores the whole logistic
tail that any army has - even a Napoleonic one - and rightly so -
detailed logistics rules are the kiss of death in a board game.

Now as far as the EPIC IG doing a planetary landing - the recent
Starship troopers would seem to be a pretty good palce to start. Think
of it as a D D ay (Overlord) assault - some kind of landing vehicle for
the infantry, specialized armor (Leman Russ with retro rockets, 1 on a
D6 & they auger in (drop model from 45 cm & watch it bounce?) and maybe
some IG assault squads that paracute in. Coupla oribital bombardment
"fate" cards -

> ----------
> From: Sauron Moridor[SMTP:sauron1_at_...]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 1997 11:39 AM
> To: space-marine_at_...
> Subject: Re: [Epic] IG and Planetary Assault Landings
> Sauron1 writes;
> How long did it take the Basic American infantry to deploy
> effectively
> in the Persian Gulf war? I propose that humans do not change that
> mutch
> and the IG would take the same amount of material support and such to
> get on with the job. There are a few Military analists on this list
> who
> could supply some numbers .
> sauron1
Received on Wed Dec 31 1997 - 12:39:00 UTC

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