Re: [Epic] Tyranid army question

From: Matthew Sprange <altsain_at_...>
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1998 13:33:52 -0000

>I a tyranid army a good army for a beginner. I've been using my =
friends >old eldar minis, but i seem to have trouble using them. Plus i wan=
ted to >start my own army, and had the tyranids in mind. Are they a hard ar=
my >to use like the eldars? or is it as easy to use as the space marines.
    Hmm, now I must try not to be too biased here, I deck Tyranids on=
 a regular basis.
    I'm from the school of thought that states no on=
e army is any better than another, it is generalship that counts.
If you are going to do a Tyranid army then close assault must be your all. =
 You will have to figure how to endure hideous amounts of fire and artiller=
y from an opposing army and still have enough forces to smash the enemy whe=
n you reach his rear line. You will have very little firepower yourself an=
d this will be very quickly suppressed. Do not expect to fire anything mor=
e than once or twice.
    As an aside, get a couple of Bio-Titans for =
your force. If you can find a good way of using them without being destroy=
ed by enemy war engines in the first turn or two, I am sure there are a few=
 people on this list who would be interested in knowing how.
    The T=
yranids main strength is in their infantry - be prepared to buy a lot of it=
 and not concentrate such much on the other 'cool' stuff. You will use Car=
nifexes, Assault Spawn, etc. . . but the bulk of your forces will be Termag=
ants, Stealers and so on. Tyranids have the best close combat troops, so u=
se them. Never ever try to take another army on on their own terms. A Tyr=
anid army will never survive this.
    Good luck.

Received on Thu Jan 01 1998 - 13:33:52 UTC

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