Re: [Epic] Points Formula Anyone?

From: Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 21:15:21 +0000

One fine day in the middle of the night, Cyril Crocker spoke:
>Does anyone have the formula for calculating points costs for units handy?

Nicked from Alan Brain:

The following is a re-post of something I contributed to the list awhile
ago. It seems to be a reasonable approximation to the formula (if any)
GW used for getting points values for E40K

PV = ( (M/10) + ( FP * (R/15) ) + ( AF * 2 ) ) * ( ( AV-2 ) / 3 )

M = Move in cm
FP = FirePower
R = Range in cm
AF = Assault Factor
AV = Armour Value

Ork Boyz.
M=10, FP=1, R=30, AF=2, AV=4, so ( 10/10 + (1 * (30/15) ) + 2*2 ) * 4/3
or 1+2+4 * 1.333 or 9.1

For AT, use an FP of 3. For DeathRays, 5.5.

This is an approximation, it works for most vehicles and troops. Some
are a bit cheaper, others a bit more expensive than the formula would
indicate, but it's pretty good.

> Alan,
> In your equation you have (AV-2)/3 but in your example you use AV/3 which
> is correct?
> thanks,

Erk. The correct multipliers are:
AV 3 -> 1
AV 4 -> 1.33
AV 5 -> 1.66
AV 6 -> 2

So yes, you're right, it's AV/3.

So (and as a reply to another post by Erik K. Rutins,

For a Lemming Rust (sic), for example,
((25/10)+(3*(45/15))+(1*2))*(6/3)= 32

For a LandRaider,
( (20/10) + (2*2*(45/15)) +(2*2) ) * (6/3) = 36 (vs 38)

For an Ork Warbike
( ( 35/10) + ( 1*(45/15) ) + 2 ) * 1.333 = 11.33 (vs 13)

For an SM Dreadnaught
( ( 15/10 ) + (2 * 3) + 8 ) * 2 = 31 (vs 27)

For an Ork Stompa
( (15/10) + (4 * 3) + 8 ) * 1.666 = 35.8 (vs 32)

People might like to experiment with (Move/5) and (AV-2)*0.5. For War
Engines, multiply by (1 + (Hits+Shields)/10), for Gargants, Titans and
things with more than 10 Hits/Shields, it's just (Hits+Shields)/10.

Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister, wargamer extrordinaire     X
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Received on Mon Jan 19 1998 - 21:15:21 UTC

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