Re: [Epic] Newbie request

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 22:29:22 +0100 (MET)

At 10:01 PM 21/1/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Michael Reed wrote:
>> Hullo all,
>> I've just joined the mailing list (having been a player since
>> the days of Adeptus Titanicus), and I was wondering if there
>> was a FAQ or list of topics to avoid out there - just so I
>> don't end up restarting some long-dead argument.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike Reed
>Don't try to claim one system is more tactical than the other (even
>though the new one is like playing with a lobotomy),

Yeah, don't even suggest that even if it is true...

>don't call GW a
>bunch of greedy bastards who will no doubt drop the game in eight months

Eight months! It's always nice to find an optimist...

>to make us buy a new starter box setin a year and a half, and NEVER say
>someone plays with himself.

Isn't that (playing with yourself) what the E40K computer game is all about?


Received on Thu Jan 22 1998 - 21:29:22 UTC

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