RE: [Epic] Adeptus Mechanicus Ordinatus Q&A

From: Dirk Vormann <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 10:05:34 +0100 (MEZ)

> Could these weapons be considered to be a single weapon with 3 or 6
> shots at a single target?
As those Weapons are nowhere in the SHW section of the Rulebook I say they
are not single Weapons (like the Imperators Weapons).

> > There are a few things on the AMO that I am unsure of:
> >
> > The Plasma Annihilator, has 3Xdeath ray. Can it shoot only at one
> > target, or up to three targets?
> Up to three targets. You are always allowed to split your firing as
> you see fit, be it with FP or SHW's.
> > The same with the Sonic Cannon, having 6Xdisrupt. How would this be
> Up to 6 target detachments.

Received on Thu Jan 01 1970 - 00:00:00 UTC

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