Re: [Epic] Eldar Knights

From: Philippe DEVILLE <Philippe.Deville_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 08:35:23 +0100

> Anyone seen any rules for Eldar Knights in ANY system (SM/E40K/40K)?

Here is one version of the Eldar knights and exodites units posted in
September by Tomy Roju.

Name Move Range FP Assault Armour Special
Dragon Knight as Aspect Warrior +Cavalry
Dragon Lord as Aspect Warrior +Cavalry, Hero
Support Dragon 10 cm 45 cm AT 4 4+ Cavalry
Air Dragon 30 cm 30 cm 1 4 5+ Skimmer

Vehicles (Knights)
Name Move Range FP Assault Armour Special
Fire Gale 25 cm 30 cm 2 8 6+ Close Support
Bright Stallion 30 cm 45 cm D3 x AT 6 6+
Towering Destroyer 25cm 45 cm 4 6 6+

Exodite World Dragon Detachment

You most choose a commander.

1 Detachment HQ +25 pts
Up to one Dragon Lord 25 pts
Consists of 1 Dragon Lord Unit (Hero, Cavalry)

Main Force:
Choose up to 5 squads from the following list.

Dragon Knight Squad 15 pts
Consists of 1 Dragon Knight unit.

Air Dragon Squad 20 pts
Consists of 1 Air Dragon unit.

Support Dragon Squad 20 pts
Consists of 1 Support Dragon unit.

Make up to 5 choices from the following list, but you may not exceed the
number of squads in the main force.

Dragon Knight Squad 15 pts
Consists of 1 Dragon Knight unit.

Air Dragon Squad 20 pts
Consists of 1 Air Dragon unit.

Support Dragon Squad 20 pts
Consists of 1 Support Dragon unit.

Fire Gale 40 pts
Towering Destroyer 40 pts
Bright Stallion 40 pts

Chain of Command: Dragon Lord > Dragon Knights > Knight > Any other

Exodite World Knight Detachment

You most choose a commander.

1 Detachment HQ +25 pts

Up to one Knight Commander 40 pts
Consists of a Knight unit of your choice.

Main Force:
Choose up to 5 units from the following list.

Fire Gale 40 pts
Towering Destroyer 40 pts
Bright Stallion 40 pts

Make up to 5 choices from the following list, but you may not exceed the
number of units in the main force.

Dragon Knight Squad 15 pts
Consists of 1 Dragon Knight unit

Air Dragon Squad 20 pts
Consists of 1 Air Dragon unit.

Support Dragon Squad 20 pts
Consists of 1 Support Dragon unit.

Fire Gale 40 pts
Towering Destroyer 40 pts
Bright Stallion 40 pts

Chain of Command: Knight Commander > Knight > Dragon Knights > Any other

Personally I find that they are to powerful and to cheap
Here is my modifications

Name Move Range FP Assault Armour Special
Fire Gale 25 cm 30 cm 2 6 6+ Close Support
Bright Stallion 30 cm 45 cm D3 x AT 4 6+
Towering Destroyer 25cm 45 cm 4 4 6+

And the price :
Fire Gale 45 points
Bright Stallion 50 points
Towering Destroyer 50 points


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