RE: [Epic] Cheddar & Edam

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 09:43:41 -0600

> ----------
> From: Carl Billen[SMTP:billenc_at_...]
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 1998 2:52 AM
> To: space-marine_at_...
> Subject: Re: [Epic] Cheddar & Edam
> Wouldn't the following detachments be too cheesy ?
> Tyranids :
> 18 Tyranid Warrior units + 20 Biovores ?
This might be nasty, but blast markers could screw them up.

> Chaos (The Classical Bloodthirster Detachment) :
> 25 Bloodthirsters
> ---------> Awful lotta points for no ranged weapons. Hammer them with
> blast makers and they get a lot less scary...
> Orks :
> 1 Warboss in Stompa + 1 Weirdboy + 40 Nobz + (20 Pulsa Rokkits or 10
> Stompas)
--------> 20 pulsa rokkits alone are devastating. Nobz are only scary if
they make it into HTH. 10 Stompas sdon't scare me that much as they
aren't THAT tough...

> Space Marines (Armour Det) :
> 1 Captain in LR + 1 Psyker in LR + 30 LR + 10 Terminators in a LR each
---------> 30 LR's in one force is pretty heavy. Every BM knocks down
one AT shot, but you do have 60 of them. Awful lot of points, though.
Put this force against the Ork force above (with equal points) and
you've got an interesting fight...

Chris Miller
Received on Thu Jan 29 1998 - 15:43:41 UTC

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