RE: [Epic] Cheddar & Edam

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 14:20:12 -0600

> > ---------> 30 LR's in one force is pretty heavy. Every BM knocks
> down
> > one AT shot, but you do have 60 of them. Awful lot of points,
> though.
> > Put this force against the Ork force above (with equal points) and
> > you've got an interesting fight...
> >
> Assuming I can talk Matt into doing it in public (at a local game
> store)
> [and I mean playing cheeze ball epic you dirty minded folk out there]
> we
> should have a report on it Sat. morning or there abouts. I need to
> make
> sure I can in fact deploy this with painted figs, I may need to paint
> up
> a couple more stompas. My current Goff clan has "only" 6 stompas.
-------> I'm especially interested in the 20 pulsa rokkits...mass volley
at the LR's? Could be fun...

Chris Miller
Received on Thu Jan 29 1998 - 20:20:12 UTC

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