Re: [Epic] Grey Knights

From: Richard Bright <r.bright_at_...>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 1998 14:48:47 +1300

At 10:38 AM 2/4/98 +1030, you wrote:
>What does everyone think to allowing the terminators in the Inquisitor
>Lord's bodyguard (Supreme Commander) upgrade to Grey Knights (+Psyker) for
>10 points. Not a lot of game difference but I think it adds a nice bit of

An excellent idea that coincidentally lets me use some of the GKs I painted
up for E2. How about a teleport ability? Treat as reserves, drop a marker
(as per drop pod rules) to find the point where they materialise, and add
another six points to allow them to behave as an independent unit - unless
you want to allow the Inquisitor Lord to also teleport to almost certain
doom ;-)

"The important lesson is that you can get what
you want and still not be very happy"
                        Pope Cerebus

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Received on Wed Feb 04 1998 - 01:48:47 UTC

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