Re: Squat Army WAS Re: [Epic] Knights(Lil' bit off topic)

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 22:21:09 -0700

Aaron P Teske wrote:
> Excerpts from Epic: 4-Feb-98 Squat Army WAS Re: [Epic] K.. by "Sean A.
> Upchurch"_at_alumn
> > Umm, 'cause everyone's complaining. It also helps with the variety and
> > keeps the army from being a bit stale. Sure you'll win every time if you
> > always have solid lines of Overlords backed by Goliaths, but where did the
> > fun go?
> [snip]
> > As someone who has built the EPIC group from myself and 2 buddies to a height
> > of 9 and am currently watching it dwindle down to probably 2 [we have 5 now
> > -- one never shows, one will graduate, one is the Squat] I'm passing this
> > along as a warning/caution. It is *very* easy for the Squat player to get
> > bored and move on to other things. Partly, it the fault of their restrictive
> > lists [in both games] and partly it's the fault of arty heavy armies since
> > they work best when holding ground and rolling dice as much and as fast as
> > possible.
> All in all, this story makes me very glad that, when I was playing more,
> I always took at least one infantry company, sometimes two. (And once
> three, come to think of it.) Similarly, once I got the Termites painted
> up, I usually fielded them, and they actually did all right... well,
> pretty much. Still, I tried to field a mixed force instead of
> concentrating on heavy arty and the Guild Bikers, despite what people
> kept telling me to do. And, in spite of a 50/50 record, it was a heck
> of a lot of fun, in all cases.
> So, basically, I'm encouraging people -- not just Squats -- to get out &
> try the lesser-used units in your army lists. When I mentioned to
> people that I used Termites, they tended to laugh, or look at me like I
> was crazy. Still, they're a lot of fun, and even if they don't always
> show up where you want them to they can still be pretty effective -- not
> to mention what can happen if they *do* show up where you want them to.
> (I seem to recall my Termites and Berserkers chasing after Andy
> Skinner's Whirlwinds in one battle... we came up from behind 'em, and
> the next turn they ran away, preventing him from firing at me. Good
> stuff! ^_^ )
> So, there 'tis.
> Aaron Teske
> Mithramuse+_at_...

I constantly try new forces. I'm determined now to find a use for scouts
(we play using vehicles prevents the scout move).

We played a 5000 point escalating engagement this week, SM vs. SM/IG. I
took no flyers or titans, my opponent had no such reservations (5
thunderhawks and 5 marauders in one detat). It was a lot of fun; on turn
five it was 23 to 22 (my loss); it was obvious we would both end up with
negative 20 morale and worse the next turn, so we called the game a
draw. It was great game. On turn 2 I set up a devastating charge from
all sides with marines and bikes on a Leman Russ detat (about 12 +
other vehicles); at least it would have been devastating had he not got
the bomber detat on at the begining of turn 3, devastating my assault
detat, bike detat, and mech infantry detat. I recovered, but it wasn't
until turn 4 that I killed that detat, taking firm control of that
flank. Then the BIG leman russ detachment came in behind it...

I encourage everyone to surprise your opponent with an all infantry/tank
army. Makes all of those points your opponent spends on SHW's almost

Received on Fri Feb 06 1998 - 05:21:09 UTC

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