[Epic] Tactical Hints

From: Sean Robert Smith <srsmith_at_...>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 17:06:34 +1200

If you have an artillery detachment entering the battlefield and juicy
enemy targets that will be within range of the artillery units as soon as
they enter the battlefield, put the artillery detachment on overwatch.
Overwatch still allows all units in the detachment to move 5cm in the
movement phase. Unless you have a large artillery detachment you should
normally be able to move all the artillery units in the detachment on to
the battlefield with the 5cm movement.

Don't dismiss Gretachin, Guardians and IG infantry as useless in close
combat. Although they only have an assaualt value 1. Remember that each
unit within a detachment, that is within 15cm of a unit in close combat,
adds 1 to the assault value of the units in close combat. This means that
gretchin, guardians and IG infantry can add their full assault value to the
close combat, even if they aren't in base to base contact with enemy units.
In large detachments gretchin, guardians and IG infantry are very strong,
as my opponents have found out.

Betty-Ann Kelly
Received on Sat Feb 07 1998 - 05:06:34 UTC

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