Re: [Epic] Tyranids and painting`

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 12:30:06 -0700

KrazyLlama_at_... wrote:
> I think I found a good, interesting genestealer color scheme. First, undercoat
> with Walock Purple. Then paint everything except the head with Snakebite
> Leather (the undercoat was mainly to add some texture). Then paint the
> chitinous, non-claw parts, excepting the tail, a flesh color. Finally, paint
> the claws with Blood Red. This looked really good, and adds an attractive
> difference from other 'Nids.
> Shervin

I've been wanting to do my tyrannid vehicles with carapaces looking like
 Kosh's encounter suit armor. After six or seven failures, I think I
found the base coat color. There may be a short cut to this, but I work
mostly withly with basic colors from Ral Partha:

11 parts yellow.
4 parts white
4 parts warrior flesh
3 parts minotaur fur brown
1 part troll flesh green

note that a little green goes a long way with this color.

I always dollop out by the brush-full, to keep things mostly consistent.
One "serving" paints roughly 4 assault spawn carapaces.

I'm going to darken with brown or green for a wash, dry brush with a
whitened color from this, this use several darkenenings with brown/green
to mottle the carapace. The horns and claws will be a much darker color,
going towards brown or black.

Florescents make great tyrannid eyes. I'm thinkning of a dark red,
brushed with a lighter red for the muscles, bit we'll have to see what
looks good.

I'm trying to make a few consistent broods. My first 2000 points was a
bit scattered in coloring; it gave me a chance to try a lot of
different painting techniques and schemes. However, it seems to me a
brood should be consistently colored, as a dominatrix works with the
nutrients and genes from a given area.Most from the next 2000 points
will have this color somewhere on their carapaces, except for
genestealers whih need to work in the dark and lictors, which should be

Received on Sun Feb 08 1998 - 19:30:06 UTC

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