Re: [Epic] New Tyranid player

From: Sean Robert Smith <srsmith_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 14:18:10 +1200

>Hello all
>I am a new player to Epic 40k.
>I've bought a few Tyranids, namely:
>4 plastic boxes
>1 blister Hive Tyrants
>1 blister Dactylis
>1 Harridan
>1 Hierophant
>I need to know what to buy next and if there are any tactics that
>work well with Tyranids, especially against Orks.
>Regards, Erik

Buy disrupt weapons and use them delay his detachments (so that slaughter
this other detachments piece meal) and also use them to give you the
in close combat. Watch out for fighta bommers, if you have your units to
close together he will tear them apart with the fighta bommers barrages.
Received on Fri Feb 13 1998 - 02:18:10 UTC

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