RE: [Epic] RGMW Newsgroup.

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 11:07:21 -0600

> I'd be happy just to get a chance to play the freakin' game. Since I
> went
> and blew the money on the damn game, I found out alot of the players
> in the
> area bailed when E40k came out due to strong-arming by the "Man." Just
> my
> luck. Luckily I can resort to painting the minis until an opponent can
> be
> found and I never have to worry about not having enough time to read
> up on
> tactics, rules and other stuff.
> Liquid
> looking for someone to play in the Boise area.
--------> Ahhh, but this is the perfect opportunity to buy their mini's
at a cheap price!
Gather the forces, my friend, so that when you DO get a chance to play,
you can field anything...

(And I'd offer, but Boise is a bit far to cover in a weekend)

Chris Miller
looking for someone's miniatures to purchase anywhere in the U.S.
Received on Tue Feb 24 1998 - 17:07:21 UTC

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