The La�tus Prime Tribune (num�ro 2) is now on line on my web site
(L'ORDinateur's Home Page).
You can access it at
You will find there some new Imperial Guard units from Philippe Devill�, a
new Space Marine Chapter from Emmanuel Blondiaux and other articles
(Dropship, an incredible French White Dwarf edito, etc...).
In addition, I've added on my site a very nice story from Simon Larouche.
A bient�t!
Fran�ois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universit� Paris XII/IBM France)
L'ORDinateur's Home Page
Epic 40k and Epic Space Marine
Last Update : 02-26-1998
Received on Thu Feb 26 1998 - 23:11:04 UTC