[Epic] Test of Legends

From: Matthew Sprange <altsain_at_...>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 23:55:33 -0000

Ummm, what can I tell you?

Well, everyone here is very friendly, apparently in August in the main
tournament, Epic will be played. I urge you, if you have the ability, get
here! This is one cool place. If you have seen the picture of the GW HQ in
WD, then you will have seen the double headed eagle on the front of the
building. The locals call this place Nazi Headquarters.

The games? You want to know how an Epic player does? Well we played three
games today and I lost one. By 120 points. That's about 1 VP to you 40k
players and a very marginal loss top you Epic players. The other two, I
absolutely stomped the opposition. The first game, I won by about a 1000
points, whilst the other player scored NOTHING (he killed 2 Terminators -
that was against Space Wolves). Against Chaos, he killed the two riders on
an Attack Bike, and that was it - failed to hurt the bike itself (not that
that matters), and nothing else. He had very little left.

I'm not near the top yet, because they have factored other things in - army
selection (I scored low, obviously not because of the twin-Assault Cannon
Dreadnought), but fairly high (so far) on the sportsmanship.

So, there is everything to play for as we head onto Sunday and the final two
games. Win these, and I should make the top ten at least.

If not, well, there was lots to drink at Bugman's bar, there was a lot of
'bring your favourite character and engage in single combat'. My Master of
the Deathwing took on Chaos Warlords, Lictors and Carnifexes with barely a
scratch - he won all combats.

Wish me luck in the final rounds.
Received on Sat Feb 28 1998 - 23:55:33 UTC

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