>If you want to see what I think a Space Marine Army should look like, I
>have been working on my marines and have laid out my full chapter "Azure
>Warriors". For those that care it is at
>http://www.spellbooksoftware.com/epic/detachents/Azure The chapter's
>web page is "under the Warp" so it may/will be changing over the next
>couple of days. And yes, I can field the whole of what is on the web
>page at one time.
I like the Azure alot. I am currently working on my own chapter, based on
the Dark Angel Codex. Same rules apply, but the backround is pretty
complex. I am building smaller companies to reflect this and not using many
rhinos. Most of my companies are coming in under 500 points. I will try and
post them to the list when they are all finished. BTW spellbook crashed
when I tried to look at the Waaghs posted there.
Aerich Frodoson
"When all else fails, build a new one"
Received on Mon Mar 02 1998 - 02:22:50 UTC