Scott Shupe wrote:
> Thane Morgan wrote:
> >
> > The only weak detachment in
> > > my mind is the Tzeentch one, which is slowed down by the Horrors.
> > > The reason for that is simply models - I wanted to use the LoC
> > > but I only have 5 Flamers, and I felt I needed to beef up the
> > > detachments with some more warm (err... warp) bodies.
> >
> > I use 2 LOC's, 5 flamers, which works out pretty good against most small
> > and medium detats.
> I've tried similar detachments in the past, and never
> really had them work for me. I prefer my assault detachments
> to be around 10-15 models. Do you use multiples of the above
> detachment, or at least multiple daemon detachments?
> Scott Shupe
> shupes_at_... shupes@...
> ***********************************************************************> "My mind is going... I can feel it." - 2001
No, I'm just real selective as to what I run them into. If the enemy
detat is large and tightly packed, I'll leave them to artillery or
shooting units. I don't want to allow a bunch of supporting troops
arround to counteract the 16 assault from the LOCs.
Received on Fri Mar 13 1998 - 00:32:39 UTC