Re: [Epic] Strengths and Weaknesses

From: Stephen Sheldon <stephes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 11:54:51 -0800 (PST)

> Sauron1 writes; Stephen;
> Today; Saturday March 14th I am valiantly working my way through
> hundreds of personal E-mail.Stephen, I ment no offense, just an
> observation that the post was not your usuall style.
Was that to me or the other steve? If me then ??? My memory is failing me
again, which means I probably didn't get offended...
Steve (Who as he turns 24 realises senility has firmly rooted itself in)

When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen.
Sometimes, there's a moment as you're waking, that you become aware of
the real world around you, but you're still dreaming. 
You may think you can fly, but you better not try it...
Received on Mon Mar 16 1998 - 19:54:51 UTC

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