Re: [Epic] Epic Plastic Sprues

From: Steve Kohler <xlorp_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 11:06:57 -0800 (PST)

Delurking for a stray thought...

Milton Bradley sells additional plastics separately for their
Battlemasters game which was licensed from GW.

Does the old epic sprue manufacturer have any ability to sell the
plastics on their own since they, not GW, own the molds?



(San Jose, CA area. SM2/TL Chaos, willing to learn E40k if there's a
local group)

---k.laidlaw_at_... wrote:
> The following bit of information may be of interest. A friend
> speaking to a GW shop manager and discovered that GW does not
own the
> old epic plastic sprues. Apparently, they could not afford them
> (plastic molds are very expensive) so were done by a plastic
> manufacturer who held onto the copyright.
> The new sprues are GW owned, which may explain the huge price
> increase. They are trying to claw back their investment.
> Keith

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Received on Wed Mar 18 1998 - 19:06:57 UTC

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