Re: [Epic] Liber Imp & cookies

From: J. Michael Looney <mlooney_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 21:24:23 -0600

L. Brian Hayes wrote:
> as a general rule, I don't accept cookies. Call it paranoid or what you will, I just don't like the idea of them.
> my 2 cents worth

Whatever. I assume you never use ANY active X or shockwave add on
either. Active X is the single most dangerous thing you can down load.
Shockwave comes next, followed by java, JavaScript, VBscript and
cookies, in that order. Java, and the script languages have some
rather strong security rules. All cookies can do is write to a single
text file in one place on your computer. Do to the "stateless" mode
that the web uses, web sites are forced to use some sort of client side
marker to track where a user has been or what options he/she has

The Word for Windows documents that people attach to e-mail, even on
this list, are much more dangerous than cookies or any client side
scripter, in that word macro virus can do some _weird_ things.
Received on Fri Mar 20 1998 - 03:24:23 UTC

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