Re: [Epic] Supermarkets (believe it or not ON TOPIC)

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 11:41:32 -0700

Colen McAlister wrote:
> In article <3511B214.48BF_at_...>, Thane Morgan <thane@...>
> writes
> >existence of such games, and many of them associate it with "Satanic"
> >Dungeon and Dragons.
> What is this about D&D and Satan?
> --
> Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister, wargamer extrordinaire X
> OOOX===========>
> brother_morgan_at_..., UIN 2149443 ('Morgan') X
> "Error in REALITY.SYS. Run FANTASY.COM? Y/N [Y]" - Another DOS Error

In the early eighties, the religious right in the US was feeling its
oats, and started bullying all sorts of things; halloween, rock and
roll, evolution, fun in general. While they always hated these things,
suddenly there were people in power who would listen to them.

Thus they announced that D&D was a vehicle of recruitment for Satan,
though they somehow broke it down to monosyllablic words. They got a lot
of parents to not let their children play the game, and banned the books
from various organizations. This was reinforced when a couple of kids
killed themselves while playing the game; naturally, this couldn't be
the parent's fault for raising loser kids, it had to be some sort of
satanic pact. The highlight for these people was a made for TV movie (a
sure sign that some oddball movement/trailer trash story has made the
bigtime in the US), where a kid goes skitzo while playing a fantasy
roleplaying game, and ends up running through teh city with a sword.

This crap has created a stigma on RPG's, and any game associated with
them;i.e. sold on the same shelves. thus a lot of game store owners
spend some time each week explaining to worried parents that their kids
probably won't sacrafice the family dog on the next gaming night.

Oddly enough, now that there ARE some RPG's out with really evil
premises, you don't here much about them on a national scale; I think
they came up with a strategy of not revealing their madness until a
later date. This has let them take over schoolboards in off
year elections, so I'm betting we'll here about this crap again, on
they've proven evolution a scam, that is.

Hey austrailians, do you guys ever have to deal with this kind of crap,
or is a strictly American problem among western societies?

Received on Sat Mar 21 1998 - 18:41:32 UTC

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