Re: [Epic] Using older models

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 13:34:58 -0500

Doug Burton wrote:
> Does anyone have the points conversion used for epic troops (ie, why are
> upgrades to (cavalry, assault) +4 points all around (ork boar boys and
> rough riders)?

        Assault is generally +1 point. The cost for Calvary
varies (for instance, it's +6 points for flesh hounds/fiends).
I think the cost of it has to do with either (a) the orginal
armor value of the unit or (b) how good the unit is in CC or
perhaps a little of both. The Hero ability is similar in
this respect; its cost ranges from 6 points (IG) to 10 points
(SM) and seems dependant on the assault factor of the unit
being upgraded. As for the Skimmer ability, the only unit that
allows that upgrade is the Daemon Prince, where it costs 3

> I want to use my chaos marines on steeds of slaanesh, my
> juggernauts and my discs...but since they're left out of the list...I
> was trying to come up with their points value. As near as I can tell,
> the chaos on steeds would be +4 to upgrade...(cavalry, assault), but
> what about juggernauts? We were discussing it and it seemed they should
> be (cavalry, stampede) or something similar. The discs should have at
> least (skimmer) rules, if nothing else. Any thoughts on this?

        Check out: if you
haven't already. I used 6 points as the cost for the Calvary
upgrade, as double-speed Space Marine units with an armor
value of 6 are nothing to sneeze at. In keeping with the
idea that the riders are champions of their choosen god and
thus bear the mark of that god, I gave the Slaanesh riders
Stubborn (immune to psychology/break tests) and the Khorne
riders Rampage (frenzy).

        You'll also find rules for other SM/TL units that
got left out of E40k at that URL.

> Also
> liked the idea that someone had about using the starship troopers micro
> machine-like toys as heavy artillery...but how to figure up the points
> for this?

        There is a point formula (concocted by listmember
Alan E Brain) that works pretty well. I have a copy at:
I think someone else java-ized the formula, but I don't
recall the URL off the top of my head.

Scott Shupe
shupes_at_... shupes@...
"All good people are asleep and dreaming"
Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 18:34:58 UTC

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