Re: [Epic] Sean's Epic Campaign Rules

From: <pentacle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 01:53:15 -0500

At 12:24 PM 3/26/98 +1300, you wrote:
>I think I must have sent my campaign rules to 10 people
>at last count. I would appreciate it if those who have
>received the rules could do me favour in return, can you
>cast a critical eye over them and let me know what you
>think the strengths and weaknesses of the rules are.
>Sean Smith

Just started a new gig, but I will take a look at them tommorow and email
you what I think then.

                President SNTN
                Aerich Frodoson

        We the members of Say No To Nids, have determines that for the sake
        of unsupspecting Terminators, Imperial Guard Cavalry, Exarcts, and Mekboy
        Warwagonz, that the continuation of the playing of these atrocities is
        against the best interest of our armies.
Received on Thu Mar 26 1998 - 06:53:15 UTC

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