Re: [Epic] Dark Eldar project

From: The Laughing God <shalom_at_...>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 04:48:09 +0100

Here's the latest tidbit: Anyone wants in on the discussion, emailme

Flash Git wrote:

> Also highly unlikely. Codex Eldar says that of all the
craftworlds Ulthwe is the most
   eager in fighting chaos in all its forms. They have suffered from
it, they HATE it. If I
   could direct your attention to Codex Eldar, page 20 (The Outcasts,
Chaos). It talks about
   Eldar Chaos Masters who are lost for all eternity to serve the unholy
powers of chaos. If
   you like, I can quote it here and put up some ideas on how to exploit

Love and Hate are divided by a fine line. Read the 'Epic40K Armies
Book' (the most recent Eldar 'fluff')
pp 59-60. They are losing the War. period.
    I have the Codex. Also the Compendium, the Compilation, Ian Watson's
'Harlequin', and the original White
Dwarves this stuff was pulled from:
I'm ooooold, and a LongBeard w/ GW stuff...

Flash Git wrote:

    OK, let me use a real life comparison.During World War II the Nazis

   annihilated most of the Jews in Eastern Europe.
   do you reckon are the chances of the Jews joining the Nazi holocaust?

    This is what happened with
   Ulthwe. Chaos nearly wiped out the entire craftworld and

   they are dedicated to fighting it.

You are aware of the Death Camp "Cappo's", I presume? Ulthwe is in the
Midst of
their Shoah, ~not~ past it, and some could easily become 'Cappo's".
Shoah is indeed where I am drawing conceptual
inspiration, tho'. As I said, however, Ulthwe's Fall is just a thought.

Flash Git wrote:

          On a side note, why are we pursuing this Chaos aspect so
eagerly? Why not do what GW is
   sure to do
          in six months time?

As I have said in my initial proposal, and by way of reinforcing the
base concepts:

      The 'new' Eldar stuff doesn't really blend in well with the old
stuff, to
      my eye at least. It also seems like the additional tanks give the
eldar about
      x 2 tactical choices over everybody else, SO:
          What do ya'll think about making stats/an army list for Crone
World Dark
      Eldar armies using the New Epic40K Eldar tanks?? I know I can't
look at the
      new ones without a <shudder> and a mumble of <Ugh! EEeeeevil!!>
(esp. when I look
      at prices!!)
          Existing gaurdians could be used as troops, (supplemented w/
Slaanesh,) no
      need for Aspect Warriors as the Warrior Path didn't exist until
      fall. If GW actually makes the new Edition of 40K Squats vs.Dark
Eldar (HAH!
      That'll happen!) The new 'official' Dark Eldar troops could then
      integrated. It gives us 1) a *NEW* army to play, 2) a *NEW* "bad
guy" 3) a
      logical ally for Chaos in multi-player games ( I HATE allying my
Orks w chaos,
      and I have no Imperial Guard, so for me Chaos is reserved for
'small' , eg 2
      player games)
          This tickles my ironic funny bone in several places:
Parallelling the
      'Slaaneshi' fall of GW into Corporate booger-headedness and the
subsequent skyrocket rising of prices;

   and the 'fall' of Titan Legions
      (read:maiden worlds) into epic 40K(crone). I'm going to do this
in any case
      for my own satisfaction, but I thought I'd throw it out for all to

 As to your thought:

Flash Git wrote:

   Take the Dark Elves and give them futuristic weaponry. I have always
pictured the Dark
   Eldars as outcasts, violent Eldars who were banned from the "real"
craftworlds because they
   were not good enough. Now they are bitter and hate the good Eldars
and (like the Codex says)
   all life in general.

No. Dark Elves are Khornate, and we have established that Dark Eldar are

 This is the reason I put forward the "Witch Eldar" Chaos player
optional rules for consideration and discussion,

Flash Git wrote:

   Why not make them these dark, brooding avengers who sweep out of the
skies with their pitch
   black ships wreaking havoc and terror, snatching innocents to toil in
their labor camps for all
   their lives. I've always found the whole "eldars submitting to chaos"
angle a bit unreasonable,
   given the Eldars' background with Chaos.
   The only way I could see it happening was if the separation had taken
place way back in time
   when Slaanesh was born. Some Eldars (the ones who refused to end
their sick ways) greeted
   Slaanesh as the supreme lord of all they held in value, sensuality,
beauty, the works. Naturally
   they would follow him and worship him for all eternity.

This is my preference, as well. I merely presented other options for
the sake of
completeness and discussion.

    On a further note: My initial thoughts seem to be solidifying
towards an Army
consisting of a very Few, very Expensive troops & Vehicles, w/ a heavily
'Aura of Slaanesh/ Soporific Musk' type weapon as the
Main-StayArmnament. This
Aura weapon, called the Pavane, would 'hypnotize' enemy troops, forcing
a switch of
Allegiance. More once I playtest thoroughly. Keeping w/ this theme,
and Bowing to
Popular request, may I present:

Support Cards: Slaves of Slaanesh

    In their periodic Secret Raids to prepare the Material World for the
Coming of
Chaos, Dark Eldar will often take Slaves in order to perform Experiments
increase Knowledge of those about to be Consumed. To model this, any
Dark Eldar
army -may- consist of up to 25% 'Slaves of Slaanesh': Any support card
(only) may
be designated a 'slave' and fielded, w the following exceptions: No
Eldar may be
taken (they suicide immediatly at the Prospect); No Khornate troops may
be taken
(they fight to the death); No unit designated as a "Psyker" may be
------>(Additional Restrictions? What about 'Nids?)
    The following applies to ALL 'Slave of Slaanesh units: A +1 is added
to the saving
throw and to all attack die rolls. Full costs must be paid.
This simulates the numbing and disorienting effect of having been
experimented on by the 'Givers of Pleasure and Pain' (as the Dark Eldar
are known
to their Slaves).
------>(too restrictive/ handicapping??)

I am not ~real~ keen on this concept, which is mebbe why I handicapped
it so
heavily. Lots of requests for it though: I suspect one or more of the
Dark Eldar
Codexes on the net uses this concept. Everyone but myself seems to
think 'Slaves'
are a given...
Received on Thu Apr 02 1998 - 03:48:09 UTC

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