[Epic] Troop Quality, long, re-post

From: Mike Looney <e41k_at_...>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 11:44:08 -0600

This is a re-post. My mail server seems to be acting weird so I thought
I would try this one.

Troop quality in E41K

Many war games have a method of inflicting "real world" type behavior on,
shall we say, less than perfect troops, or on the flip side, "God Like
Super Grunts". This seems to be missing in Epic 40K, in that Space
Marines, who are supposed to be 100 times better than other troops, well,
have almost as many problems as IG, an army that is so poor that special
officers have to be assigned to it to shoot members running away. (NOTE
all fluff is based on WH40K/RT era fluff, not the current "kinder,
gentler" fluff)

I have taken the Command Decision troop classes and modified them for
Epic. In CD there is 2 things to qualify troops, training and morale
level. Training, which are the 6 classes listed here reflect how good a
unit is at both taking and receiving fire, while morale effects how long
they can stay in the fight. I have merged these 2 together for Epic

The troop classes are, in order of ability:


Blast Markers, or more accurately Blast Marker Removal is the key to
reflecting troop quality in Epic.

Blast Marker removal by troop Quality

Green 1D6-3
Trained 1D6-2
Regular 1D6-1
Experienced 1D6
Veteran 1D6+1
Elite 1D6+2

Important Note: In the case of Green and Trained a result of a negative
number DOES add to the blast markers on the unit. Yes, this means that
once a green unit takes a couple of hits it will start to self destruct.

The "normal" blast marker removal reflects, in this system, the NCO and
lower ranking officers of the detachment giving pep talks/kicking
ass/screaming/whatever to the troops of the detachment. In severe cases
the high level command elements may want to enter into the picture to
help rally the detachment.

Supreme Commanders:
A Supreme Commander (NOT his body guard) may "rally" a detachment during
the blast marker removal stage. This is not related to rallying a
broken detachment, this is related to blast marker removal. He may only
do this to a detachment within 30 cm of his position. He may do this to
one detachment per turn. A Supreme Commander rally removes blast
markers equal to the commanders training level. Aside from the blast
marker removal there is no other effect of this.

Detachment Commander:
A detachment that bought a "command unit" not a detachment that just paid
the +25 points (i.e. Captain, War boss etc) may attempt to remove more
blast markers. A non-upgraded IG command squad does not count in this
case, only one with a captain in it. One Commissar per detachment may
also act in this role.

To do this the command unit must still be alive.
Place a "Special" order (!) on the detachment. This order will be the
order that is in effect for the next turn. All normal effect of special
orders are in place, (i.e. over watch for normal troops, prep fire for
artillery, flak guard for flak units. Artillery may treat it as over
watch instead of prep fire if desired). The movement effects ARE in
effect (i.e. 5 cm max. move). The detachment may then remove blast
markers as if it was one level higher in training. Elite detachments
still only get 1d6+2.

Both types of rallies are cumulative to the normal blast marker removal
and may both be used on a single detachment in the same turn. Yes, this
means that an elite detachment could, at worse case, remove 3d6+4 blast
markers per turn, and that a green unit could remove 3d6-5 per turn.

Basic troop quality (i.e. "free")

Trained: IG with out Commissars in the detachment, Gretchen, Chaos
Cults, 'Nids with no leaders
Regular: SM/CSM, IG With Commissars, Eldar guardian, Orks Boyz, all
tanks/battle wagons etc., 'Nids with leaders still alive.
Experienced: Terminators, Chaos Terminators, Eldar Aspect & Harlequins,
Titans & Gargants, Supreme Commanders, Ork Nobz, Demons, CSM Veterans,
extra cost command elements. (i.e. SM Captains & Librarians, IG Captains)

There are no Green, Veteran or Elite detachment with out an

A mixed detachment is based on the 51% rule. If 51% or more of the
detachment is of a given training level then that detachment is of that
training level. This is based on stands/vehicles not squads.
A detachment may upgrade it's training level by paying 20% per level of
A detachment that is downgraded is 10% cheaper than normal per level
dropped. Note that all cost are for the detachment total point cost, not
on a per unit basis.

 This will make it onto the web page "real soon now"...

The Epic 41K project
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