Re: [Epic] Scenario

From: Cornelius Perkins <cperkins_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 23:28:01 -0500

Chris Pinson wrote:

> I have been thinking of a scenario where two armies are fighting to gain control of some artifact which is stored in some structure in the middle of the battlefield ... In addition to the artifact, there are some troops guarding it. I don't want these troops controlled by anyone but I do need them to attack as the two armies move in to claim the artifact. Can anyone suggest a set of rules to control these troops in semi random fashion ???

Not random, but semi-intelligent. They should (I think) stay in cover, shoot at whatever
comes into range (prioritize by simple distance), and flee if they get broken. Do you plan
to make them a strong force, or just enough to keep someone from dropping one skimmer
in to claim it?

// Cornelius Perkins cperkins_at_...
//    In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
Received on Tue Apr 21 1998 - 04:28:01 UTC

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