RE: [Epic] The Atmosphere of the 40K universe

From: Brian Thomas <bthom37_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 02:34:14 -0500

At 08:26 AM 5/12/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> Interesting...I, on the other hand, like evil. Being evil is
>> more fun, in a
>> twisted kindof way.
>And I, on the other other hand, am seriously tempted to just play silly.
>The Generic Legions rules don't particularly appeal to me, but I like
>the description of their universe.
>I think I'm seeing that this might be fun played a bit more regularly,
>with more attention paid to some kind of fluff. Even if I'm not very
>impressed with GW's overall fluff, having some idea of context does
>look like it would be fun. For inspiration along a completely different
>style of minis play, check out:

It's funny you should mention Generic Legions, I'd been looking into them
recently. So you, I believe, are the gentleman from Framingham? I've been
caught up with exams/20 page paper (due later today, but who needs sleep?),
so I haven't sent a reply your way. I'd certainly be interested in playing
(actually, I believe you have a players wanted notice up in Bartertown,
which is where I first heard of you. didn't associate the notice with the
list...), and making the trip would be no problem. I'm leaving for home
Friday, and then I start work on Monday. I've no idea what my work schedule
will be. So, give me about 2 weeks to get straightened out, painted, and
get my new mekboy gargant ready to go (if that's ok with you, and you don't
mind non-E40K minis. It's the only one I have (for now)), and then I'll be
in touch with you about a game.


Received on Wed May 13 1998 - 07:34:14 UTC

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