Re: [Epic] Tyranids : good or evil?

From: Stephen Sheldon <stephes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 14:56:15 -0700 (PDT)

> I don't know too much about the Tyranids but if I remember well they are
> leaded by the Hive Mind which *could* be conscious. In fact, this Hive Mind
> must be intelligent enough to plan the whole invasion of the biggest empire
> of the galaxy.

They are following a natural instinct, the hive mind is only coordinating
the attack, not controlling its instincts.
> Tyranids are fighting for their survival using what they (the Hive Mind in
> fact) think is the best way and it's the same thing for the other races :
> it's only a fight for life, so we can't say who is evil and who is bad.
I am working off a principle that anything that defies the natural order
of things is bad, ie Humans are bad, whereas an animal doing only what is
needed to survive is good. It is the only real way of non-subjectively
quantifying good/evil.

> Now we are all humans and our loyalty should go to the Imperium (beware,
> I've noticed all the people who have started to begin the first words of a
> protestation, their names will be sent to the Inquisition :o). As an
> Imperial citizen, Humanity is good, Squats are often good (when they don't
> obstruct the Imperial agents), Eldars can be good (when their objective are
> the same of the Imperium), Orks are often evil (but they can be allies
> sometimes), the Chaos and the Tyranids, when their existence is known, are
> always EVIL.

This is taking the egocentric approach to goodness. To an Eldar, anything
they do is good, even though we think that it's evil. Tyranids are
conquering as a means of reproduction and survival, thwo base instincts,
all the other races are conquering for power.


When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen.
Sometimes, there's a moment as you're waking, that you become aware of
the real world around you, but you're still dreaming.
You may think you can fly, but you better not try it...
Received on Thu May 14 1998 - 21:56:15 UTC

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