[Epic] Re: Re: [Epic] Re: ÄEpicÅ Air Power? Take it or leave it!

From: Alexis Nahib Delgado Saab <alexis_usb_at_...>
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 21:27:50 PDT

>> You mean that THAT=B4S NOT FLUFF!!!!?? ork players can actually
>>> whirlwinds AS whirlwinds?? I thought that that was only fluff
>>> with the un-orky organization of the BloodAxes...
>>> how much points do they cost and how many can you use and
>>> mhhh. gotta start converting those whirlwinds....
>>And you will get "Big Gunz". Sorry. Orks don't get Imperial gear as
>>Imperial gear in Epic 40,000. They do get some in SM/TL.
>Actually I like the idea of Blood Axe Orks having Imperial vehicles. As
>long as they're painted the right color (and how hard could that really
>be?). Doesn't E41K have the option of Rhinos and Land Raiders?=20
>Aaron Roudabush aka WolfSamurai
>The Master of the Spirit Blades Space Marine Chapter
>Epic 40,000 General of Task Force Grey Wolf
>"Peace through Superior Firepower"

    The only problem that I see is that some tanks will be very Cheesy
(it doesn�t bother me...=0) ), the rhinos to take a example they should
be transport(n... I don�t remeber 1 or 2) plus the orks picking the
        and definitively it will be a nice idea to go with the fluff...

                              Alexis Delgado

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Received on Wed May 27 1998 - 04:27:50 UTC

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