RE: [Epic] Our Very Own Black Library

From: Brian Thomas <bthom37_at_...>
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:44:12 -0400

At 08:38 AM 5/28/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> Who has that much free time? But it would be neat idea. I'm
>> quite sure that
>> bewteen the people on the list we have just about all there is....
>If you want a spot to collect all of the fluff, translate it into electronic
>form, and host it on a web site, I can certainly offer my services. Due to
>the nature of my job and position, I have lots of free time, a decent web
>hosting service, and the desire to help out.
>If you want this to happen, just let me know what you can contribute fluff
>text/pics wise. I'll compile the list of what everyone can contribute, and
>will post it to the list. Once we have a "complete" set of fluff, I'll ask
>people to email or snail mail fluff copies to me, and I'll have the site up
>by next week.
>If interested, reply either to the list or to me with what fluff
>text/pictures you can contribute. Anything GW is valid for now, and I'll
>have my lawyer look into what I can legally post, or how to legally post it
>(any suggestions welcome).
>William Rood
>Systems Development
>Dow Jones and Company, Inc.
>Princeton, NJ

I'd imagine that you'd have a hard time with the copyrights. GW isn't hated
for nothing, you know. I'd been thinking about this last night, actually.
I thought what was intended was for people to Xerox/scan their stuff, and
nominate one list member to be the 'librarian'. So, when people asked for
fluff, he could send it. (Of course, there might have to be a nominal fee,
for time/postage.) Create 3+ such libraries, 1 in the US, 1 in Europe, 1 in
Australia...wherever more than X list members live. International shipping
would be a 1-time thing that way. Or, you could simply scan them all, but
compatability problems might arise. Unless you can transfer scans to .txt

PS. Of course, this is all in the eventuality that GW won't let you do
this. If they do, and you can set up a website, that would be ideal, of
course. Good PR for space-marine. 24 hour access.
PPS. Actually, this list is ridiculously productive. Especially for a
listserv. Between Genestealer cults, varied Daemon Engines, Project 'Narf'
(shameless self-promotion) (all in the past 2 weeks!), this list is very
good. (I know there are others! But to save time and my fingers, I'm not
going to put them all down.))
Received on Thu May 28 1998 - 14:44:12 UTC

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