Re: [Epic] Fluffy Ork/Marine Question

From: Mike Looney - ionet <mlooney_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 09:03:08 -0500

Carl Billen wrote:

> Does anyone have any ideas for the organisation of a Ravenwing company
> ?
> It's just that I want to create my Blood Axe Kult of Speed, and as the
> Blood
> Axes inspire and acquire their stuff from the Imperium, I would like
> to know
> what I can put in an Orky Ravenwing warband.
> The Orks have Wartraks, Scorchers, Buggies and Bikes, while the
> Marines have
> Bikes, Attack Bikes and Land Speeders. (I considered the Boarboyz not
> available to the Blood Axes, as this would be a Blood Axe warband). I
> thought of adding some Battlewagons, Speedstas and maybe a Flakwagon,
> but I
> suppose that these vehicles are not in the Ravenwing flavor.

Granted this is E30K (Horus Wars era) stuff, but the only "TO&E" that GW
ever did at epic scale for the whole of the RavenWing was in WD 126.
The E40K/E41K version can be found

The platoons can be found at

Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed.  P. Opus
 Version: 3.1
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Received on Tue Jun 09 1998 - 14:03:08 UTC

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