RE: [Epic] Final Liberation Unit and Map editors released - request for help

From: William Rood <wrood_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 12:22:09 -0400

> 270 MEGS!? For a freakin' unit editor?!
> > Final Lib isn't a very sophisticated game. The entire game, with lots of

DirectX is not a trival product. Having to deal with DirectX programming on
a daily basis, I know just how huge the file sizes can get when you include
support for DirectPlay, DirectInstall (a must for any DX program), and the
massive amount of graphics used for the game (minimum of 8 directional
graphics for a single - stationary - undamaged unit). I just hope they
didn't save them in templated BMP format *shudders*.

> I haven't been to the site yet, but please tell me that it's not posted as
> one large file.

Yep. One large file.

William Rood - Systems Development
            Dow Jones and Company, Inc.
            Princeton, NJ

Received on Thu Jun 18 1998 - 16:22:09 UTC

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