RE: [Epic] Newbie Questions

From: Jonathan Westmoreland <JonW_at_...>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 11:26:04 -0600

> As I mentioned before, you are not taking into account the unwritten.
> Scouts can have 2 weapons for CC and generally do.
Not true. Shotguns, Needle Sniper Rifles and Heavy Weapons are
very common amongst scout squads, and in my 5 years of playing
the game, I have yet to see a solely close combat-oriented Scout

> They are very
> effective in combat, equal to a marine,
I disagree. In close combat, no. Marines have access to far
superior close combat weapons. Since weapons carried by foot
troops in Epic are incorporated into the stats and not differentiated
according to the type of weapon, Marines are better than Marine

In ballistics, Marines have a better Ballistic Skill rating and have
access to more guns. Same situation as above.

> therefore they should have AV3,
> Dropping the rapid fire is fine by me, but I don't think the armour
> drop
> is justified. Yes they are tougher and they do have worse armour, but,
> unlike marines, their armour is lighter and more flexible, coupled
> with
> the dispersed formation and the advanced deployment, this makes them
> quite formidable in 40k.
No. The Scouts' infiltration simply puts them in a better position to
attack their enemy. I have found that Scouts die much quicker than
normal Marines, and this is mainly due to their weaker armour. The
dispersed formation and infiltration really don't affect their
due to the fact that the only thing dispersed formation affects is
sustained fire weapons and can make troops charging the Scouts have
a harder time reaching all the Scouts in the squad. Neither of these
make such a substantial impact on the game as to warrant Scouts
being not only equal, but actually better than Marines in Epic.

> In e40K, infantry armour and toughness are two
> of many factors that make up armour. Having troops spread out like
> scouts
> makes them much easier to put in cover, I think the only thing that
> should change is the Rapid fire.
> Steve
All of my comments come from quite a bit (5 years) of experience with
my Dark Angels army. I find that Scouts in Epic really don't represent
Scouts in 40k, and I wish that GW wouldn't have made them so similar
to normal Marines. In fact, Scouts are better than Marines, because
have all the abilities and stats of normal Marine, plus Infiltration.
It just
doesn't make sense to me.

Jonathan Westmoreland
Innocence proves nothing.
Received on Thu Jul 09 1998 - 17:26:04 UTC

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