[Epic] Fog of War battle

From: Erik D6stberg <gandalf_at_...>
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 11:14:01 +0200

Well, I've been playing my first FOW scenario and thought
I would let you know how it all went out.
The forces used were Tyranids (me) and Orks (him) at 1,800 points.

I had an Artillery detachment, a detachment in Assault spawn,
a spore detachment, an ordinary infantry detachment, some flyers
and a Hierophant. Yes, I know Tyranid war engines aren't the
greatest but I own one and I really don't feel good about it
standing there on the shelf.

He had a Kult of speed, a detachment of Boyz in Battlewagons,
a combined detachment of Big gunz and boars and a Great Gargant.
All of his detachments were fairly big.

On to the battle.
we were playing at his place, on a small table, which
would prove to be his downfall.
I drew an Ace; stop his mission, while he drew a Queen;
keep safe the Cleanse objective and secure both Take and hold
objectives with four turns to go.
We were both allowed to use the entire army.

My vanguard was the artillery detachment, while his was the Kult
of speed.

I must admit that I missed/misread several things in the rules,
some of which I found out, some of which I didn't.
I missed the line where it says that you bring on one detachment
per turn after the first, so we took one detachment on for the
first turn too.
No big deal.

Anyway, first turn: I move my biovores 10 cm forward, and bring on
the large infantry detachment.

My opponent moves with his Kult of speed and also with his newly
arrived Battlewagons.

I shoot with five biovores, placing 3 blast markers on the
battlewagon detachment.

Turn 2: I drop my spore detachment near the wagons. In the open.
Stupid move. The infantry move forward a bit.

His Big Gunz arrive, flanked by boars. The Kult of speed goes
around the spore detachment.

His Battlewagons open fire and cripple the spore detachment, only
four units survive.
Biovores place two more BM's on wagons.

The remaints of the spore detachment assault the battlewagons and
Hmm let's see. there were 14 wagons and four units of mine.
Must have been the fact that I rolled a 6 while he rolled a 2.
Anyways the wagons retreat, they lose three or something.
They rally though in the rally phase.

Turn 3: His Great gargant arrives, so does my Hierophant.
My infantry go on assault, his Kult of speed tries to outflank
them, without success. The table wasn't wide enough.

His Gunz fire at the infantry, killing lots of Termagants and
placing several blastmarkers.
My artillery fire at the Kult to soften them up for the assault.
The Gargant fires a little too.

The infantry and the spore detachment both charge the Kult of
speed and win.
In the rally phase he discovers my mission.

Turn 4: My flyers make a ground attack. All infantry retreat.

The titans fire a litle at each other.

His mission fails, I win.
His original plan, to outflank me and take the objectives with the
Kult failed thanks to the small playing area.

Hopefully we'll play a little more FOW today or some day soon.

Erik O
Received on Sat Jul 18 1998 - 09:14:01 UTC

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